Friday, August 29, 2008

random things in my head

right now, i am currently watching the brak show that i haven't seen in about four years since i missed the last old school friday. however, i'm really really SUPER excited about space ghost that comes on in three hours...yes.

2. for the last week or two, i have been obsessed with the podcast gay pimpin' with jonny mcgovern. although i am straight, this shit is hilarious. just be advised that some of the content (well, a lot of the content) is for mature audiences only. here is the wikipedia article about the podcast, and here is the official website (explicit content).

3. I need school supplies.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

a little drinky poo

according to my facebook countdown clock, i have less than 25 days until my college move-in. i love vacation as much as the next person, but the lack of having much to do in my small town, having my boyfriend and most of my friends leave already, i am pretty lonely. and bored...but, i have tried to be productive in some of my recreational pursuits.

for example, i love cooking and food in general. so, i have tried to incorporate a new recipe into each week. i also have more time to devote to my creative writing pursuits: mainly poetry, essays and blog posts.'s still boring. my friends who have already started tell me to not take vacation for granted, that i'll want it when the work starts piling on. i know, but i'm bored now. i don't know.

in college news, folks have been abuzz concerning lowering the drinking age. the center of the controversy is an organization called the amethyst initiative, an association of college chancellors and presidents pressing for a reassessment of legal drinking age to lower it to 18 instead of 21. their website cites:

[The statement requesting a reassesment of legal drinking age] does, state clearly the signatories' belief that 21 is not working as well as the public may think, that its unintended consequences are posing increasing risks to young people, and that it is time for a serious debate among our elected representatives about whether current public policies are in line with current realities.
hmm. well, the policy is here nor there with me, as i abide by the straight edge lifestyle. however, i can see the logic in the case that making alcohol less "forbidden" could cut down on binge drinking and other dangerous activities concerning irresponsible alcohol use among teens. i can also see how it could go in the completely opposite direction and lead more kids to drinking, possibly in excess. i am truly on the fence on this one.

so to my awesome readers: how do you feel about this issue? do you think that your upbringing affected your behaviors and beliefs about alcohol and other controlled substances?

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

forget me not

my better half left for school today. part of me is slightly jealous that i still have to wait a month to leave; part of me mourns him leaving; part of me is happy that he'll get a chance to grow. however, the whole of me has reconciled with the fact that i won't be able to see him as often as i'm used to. i heard one of my favorite songs that complements my feelings. if you know it, feel free to sing along. if you don't, the words are right below.

billy joel - this is the time

We walked on the beach beside that old hotel
They're tearing it down now
But it's just as well
I haven't shown you everything a man can do
So stay with me baby
I got plans for you

This is the time to remember
'Cause it will not last forever
These are the days
To hold on to
'Cause we won't
Although we'll want to
This is the time
But time is gonna change
You've given me the best of you
And now I need the rest of you

Did you know that before you came into my life
Some kind of miracle that I survived
Some day we will both look back
And have to laugh
We lived through a lifetime
And the aftermath

This is the time to remember
'Cause it will not last forever
These are the days
To hold on to
'Cause we won't
Although we'll want to
This is the time
But time is gonna change
I know we've gotta move somehow
But I don't want to lose you now

Sometimes it's so easy
To let a day
Slip on by
Without even seeing each other at all
But this is the time you'll turn back to and so will I
And those will be days you can never recall

And so we embrace again
Behind the dunes
This beach is so cold
On winter afternoons
Ah, but holding you close is like holding the summer sun
I'm warm from the memory of days to come

This is the time to remember
'Cause it will not last forever
These are the days
To hold on to
'Cause we won't
Although we'll want to
This is the time
But time is gonna change
You've given me the best of you
But now I need the rest of you...

for g.: farewell love, and remember that someone out there will always love you.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

do you hear what i hear?

so, i have been more bored than ever lately. for some reason, i have been obsessed with downloading random podcasts to see if anything tickles my fancy. one that i listened to last night is paul and storm talk about some stuff for five to ten minutes (on average), a really random podcast where they discuss happenings in their respective lives. they're only on their third issue, but i really hope they keep it going. you can download it from their site, or you can use itunes (my podcast "keeper" of choice since its idiot-proof).

i kind of don't keep up with it anymore, but geek speak radio is also a good one. i'll be honest: i don't really understand a lot of the technical issues they discuss, but it is entertaining nonetheless. again, download it from their site, itunes or a myriad of other podcast directories.

oh, and if you're not aware of the sheer hilarity that is ask a ninja, become well acquainted. you won't be disappointed.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


so, i haven't really been paying attention to my blog, and i came back and read some of my comments. wow...i didn't know that so many people would find my being fat so...i don't know, offensive. i don't think i'm promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. in fact, to be quite honest, i don't think my blog is popular enough to promote anything. i call myself fat because it's who i am. i think everyone is great the way they are: if they want to be fat, fine; if they want to be skinny, that's great too. i really don't care. i'm not saying that being fat is good or okay, but right now, it is a part of who i am. it's just a title, and if it offends you and/or your children, block the site. you'll never have to see it again.

so there.

about tropic thunder: i just thought it a bit distasteful and i exaggerated a bit to get my point across. call me overly sensitive, but that just kind of crossed the line with me...

oh and breaking dawn was good. the ending was a bit of let down for me, but eh. just thought my bloodlust would be satisfied with a bit more fighting.

oh, and to my bff "potatoe": no full body shots, sorry. the sexiness would just disintegrate your brain cells upon viewing. ;)

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Friday, August 15, 2008

so...blackface is funny again?

i've been hearing a lot about the controversy caused by the comedy tropic thunder regarding the superfluous use of derogatory terms describing people who have mental disabilities. yes, i do agree that this is offensive, and the film is inappropriate just because of these charges. however, has anyone noticed that robert downey jr. is in BLACKFACE, possibly one of the most offensive forms of racial humor? it seems to me that no one is saying anything about this. as a black/african-american person, i find this quite off-putting that this is considered humorous in a time where we are supposed to be so "enlightened" and unified. so, is this going to become an okay thing again? are mammy and lawn jockeys going to make a comeback too?

my family and i have been very...well, intense (for lack of a better word) in watching the olympics. anyone else notice that some of the gymnasts from china seem a little...young?

oh, and almost done with breaking dawn. huh...epic fail? or not? i haven't yet decided...

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Friday, August 8, 2008

one, two, three strikes you're...good?

to break the monotony in waiting for my departure this september, my mother and i decided to go bowling. let me preface what i'm about to say with this: i am not a good bowler. hell, i'm not even a decent bowler, but i try. besides, it's about having fun right?

one little fun fact i've discovered about myself is that i swear like a sailor every time i go up to bowl. whether it was a good or bad...throw (i guess you would call it), i still cuss up a storm. it's not like i do it loudly or something; it's just to myself and maybe the guy next to me if they were listening hard enough.

well, i don't know about you guys, but i'm watching the opening session of the olympics, soooo...
got to go! :)

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

no time is a good time for goodbye

in all of the you're-going-to-college-now-what? advice books that i've been reading, a main point is that it's best to be romantically unattached when entering your postsecondary education. this means that if you do/did have a significant other in high school, its best to break it off.

i know that this is what's best, but its been so hard to actually come to the conclusion that i need to do this. i've been with the same guy for about two years now (which is an extremely long time in high school) and its safe to say that i've fell firmly in love with him. sure, we have our momentary moments of anger with one another, disagreements on politics or current affairs or just about anything else one could think of, but we always seem to patch things up. no, i don't know if he is "the one" or just someone i really clicked with, but a lot of...firsts have been with him. i don't think i need to clarify that one...

i want to move one and find other people, and i want him to do the same. in the long run, we both want completely different lifestyles, and i'd doubt it would work very well. but...he has tried bringing up the prospects of marriage. no, i'm not kidding; he really has. as fairytale-ish and wonderful as it would sound on paper, i don't know if we'd be a good married couple. who knows though? who really knows how it will all turn out but the Maker Himself? i sure don't. what i do know is that i would be a very happy camper if the universe decided to bring him back to me, but for now, i must let him go.

i am reminded of a very wise quote. sorry, i don't know who said it though.

if you love something, let it go. if you are meant to have it, it will come back to you.
deep, huh?

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