Sunday, August 24, 2008

a little drinky poo

according to my facebook countdown clock, i have less than 25 days until my college move-in. i love vacation as much as the next person, but the lack of having much to do in my small town, having my boyfriend and most of my friends leave already, i am pretty lonely. and bored...but, i have tried to be productive in some of my recreational pursuits.

for example, i love cooking and food in general. so, i have tried to incorporate a new recipe into each week. i also have more time to devote to my creative writing pursuits: mainly poetry, essays and blog posts.'s still boring. my friends who have already started tell me to not take vacation for granted, that i'll want it when the work starts piling on. i know, but i'm bored now. i don't know.

in college news, folks have been abuzz concerning lowering the drinking age. the center of the controversy is an organization called the amethyst initiative, an association of college chancellors and presidents pressing for a reassessment of legal drinking age to lower it to 18 instead of 21. their website cites:

[The statement requesting a reassesment of legal drinking age] does, state clearly the signatories' belief that 21 is not working as well as the public may think, that its unintended consequences are posing increasing risks to young people, and that it is time for a serious debate among our elected representatives about whether current public policies are in line with current realities.
hmm. well, the policy is here nor there with me, as i abide by the straight edge lifestyle. however, i can see the logic in the case that making alcohol less "forbidden" could cut down on binge drinking and other dangerous activities concerning irresponsible alcohol use among teens. i can also see how it could go in the completely opposite direction and lead more kids to drinking, possibly in excess. i am truly on the fence on this one.

so to my awesome readers: how do you feel about this issue? do you think that your upbringing affected your behaviors and beliefs about alcohol and other controlled substances?

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