Friday, August 15, 2008

so...blackface is funny again?

i've been hearing a lot about the controversy caused by the comedy tropic thunder regarding the superfluous use of derogatory terms describing people who have mental disabilities. yes, i do agree that this is offensive, and the film is inappropriate just because of these charges. however, has anyone noticed that robert downey jr. is in BLACKFACE, possibly one of the most offensive forms of racial humor? it seems to me that no one is saying anything about this. as a black/african-american person, i find this quite off-putting that this is considered humorous in a time where we are supposed to be so "enlightened" and unified. so, is this going to become an okay thing again? are mammy and lawn jockeys going to make a comeback too?

my family and i have been very...well, intense (for lack of a better word) in watching the olympics. anyone else notice that some of the gymnasts from china seem a little...young?

oh, and almost done with breaking dawn. huh...epic fail? or not? i haven't yet decided...

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