Wednesday, October 15, 2008

take a breath

wow...i should not be blogging right now. i have a paper and homework due, but i'm not doing it. i'm blogging. geez.

well, nothing has really changed since my last post except for the fact that i'm actually going to party this weekend. this will be my first college party, a thought i find particularly sad since i attend a party school. i'm also a bit anxious about the fact that i'm straight edge, and i wonder how people will react. i'm kind of thinking that it won't be a big deal to turn down a drink, but anything's possible when people's inhibitions are lowered.

i'm excited, though.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

rollin rollin rollin

i feel renewed. there's something about having all of your homework done, having eaten a decent dinner, and not dreading going to a dead-end job you hate. i love it.

for the past three weeks, i have been working at one of the dining commons on my campus. while my coworkers and superiors were decent, the work damn near killed me. most of the time, i was a busboy; cleaning tables and picking up food scraps left on the floor. doesn't sound too bad on paper, but in practice, for up to four hours at a time and only being paid minimum wage, its a terrible way to make a living. if nothing else, it did give me much more respect for people in service and custodial jobs. it is hard, hard work.

in other news, i am finally starting to make some peace with my roommate situation. while its sometimes not the best, it could be a hell of a lot worse. besides, i'd rather have someone who wants to talk to me all the time than not at all.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

glory days

sorry sorry sorry everyone for my unexpected hiatus. its just that adjusting to classes, college life and all that jazz has been kind of a lot to handle.

well, don't know if i have officially announced this yet, but i have finally moved into my dorm! in fact, next week will mark the second week of my college residence. so far, i'm in love.

well...not in that way. yet.

although, there is this one guy...i really like him, and i think i have a chance, but i'm not sure how he feels yet. we had the talk about what kind of girl/guy we like, favorite foods, where we're from, majors...all that good stuff. i don't know; i think he may be flirting a little, but i could also be totally over-reading his signals. time will tell.

and, with this new guy thing that i haven't experienced in, oh, i don't know, TWO YEARS (!) has left me conflicted. in my mind, i thought that i would have wanted to see him (my him) by now, but...strangely, no. not yet. some days are bad; i miss him more than anything, and i can't seem to think of anything else. some days are okay; i don't think of him at all, or i'm at least not all torn up about it. i don't know. hopefully i can get him up here this november...
i haven't totally lost the faith though: he still calls/texts weekly. soooo...good, right?

well, i have to go. still have reading to do, doncha know.

and speaking of doncha know, did y'all see the debate tonight?

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